My Goals

So to get anywhere in life, you need to have a goal or direction.  Your short-term goal might be to actually get up when the alarm goes off in the morning, rather than sleeping in another 30mins.  Or it might be something long-term, like running your first marathon.  What ever your goal is though, you need to ensure it follows the SMART rules:  Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.
It's no good saying my goal is to 'win lotto' as this isn't really specific, and not really achievable.  That truly is a game of luck.  But in most areas of our life, we can control our decisions and make goals that we can achieve.  So I've decided to share with you my goals and progress.  This not only helps me by having them written down, but also makes me accountable as I'm sharing them with you.

My Ultimate Weight Loss Goal:  60kg 
My Next Progress Goal:  65kg

Now, I am not going to follow the SMART rule on these goals. Yes, I have an ultimate goal of 60kg, and a progress goal of 65kg.  Why these figures, you ask?  Well, based on my height and BMI, 65kg puts me at the top end of being in the 'healthy' weight range.  As of the 26 June 2016, I am 69.3kg but am still in the overweight range.  So by aiming for 60kg this puts me closer to the middle of the healthy range, and will give me a bit of grace either side due to the natural fluctuation in weight of 1-2kgs up & down. The reason for not setting a date on when to reach this however, is due to my fasting lifetstyle.  As I made this a lifestyle change (not a diet), I want this to be a long term habit.  So whilst I'd love to say I want to reach my weight by my next birthday, I'm not going to make it specific - because if I reach that date and haven't reach my goal, then it might lead to all kinds of sad, depressive, chocolate-indulging habits - and that is not what my change is about.  I'm therefore happy with a slow loss, and as long as I keep going in the general downward direction, then I'll be happy - even if it takes another year or so.

The other reason to the above, is because I want to start to do more weight training to tone up.  We all know that muscle weighs more than fat, so the more weight training I do, the more likely my weight loss 'number' will slow down as I build muscle - but my body will start to change and still continue to shrink (hopefully!).

But another thing I am going to do is go through my cupboard, as we all have some item of clothing we have kept with the idea that 'one day I'll fit back into it again'.  I did have one of those items - a pair of black jeans from the 90s - but I have reached that goal which you can see in my video blogs.  But I now want to find something else that doesn't quite fit, with the hopes of fitting back into it again - I'm sure I have something at home, so will pick one out and will post a photo to show you my progress.  For now, however, here is a progress of my weight loss journey from my worst to now:

2014 (4kg lost in 6 months)
  • JULY - 84.0kg 
  • AUG  - 83.0kg 
  • SEP   -  82.8kg
  • OCT  -  80.4kg
  • NOV  -  79.8kg
  • DEC  -  80.4kg

2015 (11kg lost in 12 months)
  • JAN  -  81kg  (too much Christmas cheer..)
  • FEB  -  78.4kg
  • MAR - 77.2kg  (not bad considering I went on an 11 day cruise in Feb!)
  • APR  -  76.2kg
  • MAY -  76.2kg
  • JUNE - 76.2kg
  • JULY - 79.0kg  (not sure why I jumped back up there.. but 5kg gone in 12 months)
  • AUG  - 78.4kg
  • SEP  -  77.8kg
  • OCT -  72.8kg
  • NOV -  71.7kg
  • DEC -  70.2kg   

2016 (2kg lost in 6 months)
  • JAN -   71.6kg  (typical increase after Christmas as usual)
  • FEB -   70.2kg
  • MAR - 70.0kg
  • APR -   69.4kg  (also not bad considering I had a 17 day cruise in March!)
  • MAY -  68.6kg
  • JUNE - 69.7kg
  • JULY - TBC (will weigh when I get back from Townsville, but another 10kg gone!)
So you can see it's been slow - 5kg the first 12 months.  10kg the second 12 months.  It hasn't always gone down every month, but overall it is still moving downwards.  You can also see that I've generally stalled around the early part of the year, but have still lost weight despite going on 2 cruises as well!!  At this rate I expect I'll have maybe lost another 10kg by July 2017 which will put be right where I want to be.. and then I can start working on maintenance mode.. of course, as I said earlier, I'm not putting a set date on that goal!


2016 (5kg gained in 6 months)
  • JULY -   70.6kg  
  • AUG -   72.3kg
  • SEP - 73.9kg
  • OCT -   74.8kg  
  • NOV -  76.3kg
  • DEC - 75.8kg
  • JAN -   75.6kg  
  • FEB -   77.4kg
In the past 6 months, you can see my weight has been creeping up again.  This has been due to stress, change in jobs, and no longer having a routine.  I am very disappointed, but after surgery in late Dec, and around 6 weeks of recovery, I am now re-focusing on my journey to lose the weight I've put back on, and get back to reaching my goals.  

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