Thursday, February 16, 2017

My 8 Week Challenge - Start

So just before Christmas I had surgery (a hysterectomy) which meant I couldn't exercise for a few weeks.  This, along with the usual christmas season of parties, has resulted in putting on a few kilos which I'm not too happy about.  I was doing so well with 5:2 but after I stopped working full time, my routine became erratic and I forgot what I was doing.  I managed to maintain my weight for a few months, but have gone from 69kg to 77kg.. a whole 8kg more.

Now that things are sort of back on track - okay, not quite as I'm not working full time, but I'm at least in the right mindset again to focus - I've decided to set myself an 8 week challenge.  As part of this I'll be checking in at least once a week around work etc to let you know how I'm going.  Now I'm not a big fan of shakes, usually because they are full of sugar, but I've decided to implement them into my routine as a way of helping myself get back onto the 'fasting train'.  I have chosen to go with the Nutriway 'Bodykey' Shakes for this challenge because after a comparison, they are the highest in fat content, and the lowest content of sugar (compared to Optifast, Celebrity Slim, Herbalife & Isagenix).  And at 118cals per shake (made on water) they will go well on my fast days.

Also, as it is a challenge, I'm going to aim to 'fast' at least 3 times per week.  This will vary week to week depending on my routine / work schedule.  Generally the best days to fast are days you are busy, then you are more likely to not notice you are hungry.  On the other days I will eat 'normally' ('my version of normal'). This means no counting of calories, nor of macro-nutrients, nor will I cut anything out at this stage. As a sugar addict that has fallen off the wagon many times, I know I need to start slow and that by the end of the 8 weeks, it is likely my tastebuds will not be craving it as much thanks to the fasting.  So one thing at a time - first focus on getting back into the habit of fasting.

Finally, whilst I do know that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, I am also going to aim to exercise at least 5 times per week.  This will be a combination of cardio and weights, however mostly cardio at a mid to high intensity level doing activities such as running, dancing, rollerskaing and playing badminton.  I will aim to do 2 x gym sessions of weights per week as well.

So here are my starting stats - Weight 77.4kg  (Chest 42in, Waist 39in, Hips 44in)

Goal weight:  69kg (8kg in 8 weeks) by 14 April 2017