Monday, October 2, 2017

Oil Pulling

So I decided to try oil pulling today.  Sounds strange, but it's where you put some oil in your mouth (ideally coconut oil) and you gently swish it around for 20mins before spitting it out in the bin (not the sink).  Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic technique which is supposed to help remove toxins and bacteria from your mouth, and help improve dental health as well as other benefits like sinus issues and of course whitens your teeth in the process.

You can read more about it here:

As someone who has been plagued with sinus issues for years, I figured it was worth a try.  I have also been drinking small amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) as a way of warding off cold & flu.  So far this year I have done well - only had a small head cold in early August, at the start of flu season and thankfully it didn't hang around.  Considering we are having our worst flu season in a very long time, I'd say this is a good success.  Although today I woke up with my throat feeling like I am coming down with something again.  So back on the ACV and now oil pulling.   It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.   I kept myself occupied for the 20mins whilst I swished the oil around in my mouth, trying not to swallow.  Then rinsed my mouth with water, and did a water brush of my teeth (no toothpaste) afterwards.  They say it should be done at least 3-4 times a week - and i figure at worse case at least maybe my teeth will be whitened.  Cheaper than getting a whitening treatment at the dentist!  Will keep you posted on that.

I'm also back onto the 5:2 wagon - after having surgery at Christmas last year, I have struggled to get back into the habit of fasting, and having not exercised as much either I have sadly gained weight.  But I know that I've done it before and I can do it again - today so far is going well.  I have not eaten as yet since around 10.30pm last night (I should note I don't normally eat that  I am planning on a nice healthy dinner of around 500-600 cals - turkey & veges.  Then tomorrow I will aim for a minimum of 16 hours before I eat - which should be around lunch time depending on what time I finish dinner tonight.  So essentially I'll be doing a combination of 16:8 and 5:2.   Although the way I'm feeling at the moment with my throat and possibly coming down with something, I'm tempted to do a 3 day fast.. in 3 days your whole immune system regenerates.

You can read more about the 3 day fast at these websites:

Although I'm not really sure I could do a 3 day fast.  I think the longest I've done was maybe somewhere between 24-30hrs when I had surgery last year.   But something to think about anyway.

In the meantime, I have plenty to keep myself occupied between work & film shoots - with a screen test due this week (an audition for another film), plus 2 scripts to learn.  Oh, and some study to finish so I'd better get to it!

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