Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Burlesque Night with Dita

Well despite having no voice, I managed to get a better nights sleep and went to the doctors today.  Not much she could do (viral infection) but she did recommend an overly expensive script-only nasal spray, as she suspected that my sinuses were contributing to my sore throat and coughing (even though I can breathe through my nose fine), and this is what has led to the performers nightmare of completely losing my voice.  Okay, I can whisper - but this doesn't help when I've been getting phone calls all day for possible work, and haven't been able to answer the calls :(

On the upside, I haven't coughed much at all today, which is just as well as tonight the stunning Dita Von Teese is in town, and at $95 a ticket I really didn't want to miss it!  Normally I would find any excuse to dress up (after all, that's one of the reasons I became an actor - because I can dress up as different characters); but I've gone down the sensible path of wearing comfy jeans and top, with jumper and throwover - because getting better is more important to me at the moment than looking good.  Mind you, I did still put on some makeup & sparkly earrings!  I was going to take a selfie - but I couldn't get a good pic (they all actually make me look like I'm pale and sick - which I am! lol).  If any good ones are taken later, I might post one then.

Before I got into Bollywood, I was into Burlesque.  Now this was well and truly before the lame movie of the same name came out.. I actually discovered Burlesque when I was working as an exotic dancer (when I was younger and a bit fitter!).  Someone likened my dance style to that of Burlesque, to which I was fascinated about it.  Of course, it wasn't as widely known about by the general public back then as it was now.  I remember having a big birthday bash (at the Tivoli where I'm headed tonight actually), and I hired the gorgeous (Dr) Lola the Vamp to dance at my party.  This was my first true introduction to the art form.  Little did I realise at the time, but we had a mutual friend in Lisa Lamb (may she rest in peace).  Lisa was a Brisbane comedian and also danced at my party that night.  After then, I decided to take some classes with Lola and whilst I really loved the dance form, and met lots of lovely dancers (many whom have gone on to become quite well-known in the Burlesque scene), I was never quite ready to do my own performance.   Mind you, I still continued to dance - after Lola stopped teaching, I started classes with Lena Marlene from Scoundrells.  Lena had a completely different style to Lola, but I loved them both!  But there was still something stopping me from doing my own routine.

In 2009, despite not having performed myself, I wanted to do something in the scene, so decided to run the inaugural Miss Burlesque QLD competition.  This was held over 6 months (one show on the last Sunday of each month) at the Brisbane Arts Theatre.  Each show had a vaudeville / variety section, then the competition section.  One dancer was selected by audience vote each month, and the grand finals held at the last show were judged by a panel of dance experts (including Dr Lola).   The winner of this competition was the lovely, Miss Alyssa Kitt - who has since gone on to win more competitions, and perform around the world!

During this same time, I also discovered my passion for Bollywood Dance and in 2010 I decided to focus on Bollywood over Burlesque.  The Burlesque competition was continued on a national scale by another group, which I was glad to see, and I do miss it sometimes, so am very excited to be catching up with some of my Burly-friends tonight (albeit voice-free!)!!


Worst night of my life!!  Didn't even stay for the full show.  The venue was standing room only.  Now I've never been much of a concert person, and I understand the concept of standing room only, which is fine when you are going to listen to a band play etc, but I now know is completely inappropriate for a performance show.  Not only was the venue so overcrowded (I would hate to have been there in the event of an emergency.. wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting out alive).. but unless you were one of the lucky few to get through the door first and secure a spot along the upstairs railing, or had a VIP ticket (which was double the standard ticket price) where you got to stand down the front near the stage, or unless you were about 7 feet tall, there was no hope in hell you could see anything happening on the stage!  As far as 'experiences' go, I'd have to say this was the worse experience of my life and I'll be contacting Ticketmaster tomorrow for a refund.  I didn't pay $95 to stand in a crowded room and listen to music - I paid to see a show, dammit!  Not happy at all!!

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