Friday, June 17, 2016

My Time is Valuable

So this is a little rant I put on Facebook today:

"It doesn't take much to be organised, and don't put your unrealistic expectations on me as I won't take it anymore... my time is just as valuable as anyone else's and I like to think I've earned some respect. I'm not pointing the finger at anyone here in particular, but this is just become a bit of a recurring theme in my life.. I take the time out of my schedule in agreeing to do something, being fully committed to it, even if it means missing out on paid work in the process. So if I do this for you, then all I ask is that you respect my time - I will be there when I say I will. Don't ask me to be at an event 3 hours before just because you can't organise yourself - especially if the event isn't going to run on time (unless you are paying me to be there). Don't ask me to do things at the last minute when you should've asked me days or weeks earlier (except for true emergencies, of course - as that's what friends do). I'm an adult and I have a diary, and I often have more than one thing on per day. So, if I say I'm going be there, then I will be there. It's in my diary. I don't need constant reminders - unless something has changed. If I am going to be late or am sick and need to cancel/reschedule then I will let you know asap. If you cancel or change plans for whatever reason, then I expect courtesy that you'll let me know asap. I do know that plans can change, and unexpected things can arise, but 90% of time it comes down to pure lack of planning or organisation. I will respect you and your time, and I hope you will respect mine in the same way. Thanks & rant over.. 

It might seem trivial, but when it happens to you everyday then it can start to become annoying.  I have lost count of the number of shows/performances where they expect you to arrive 2 or 3 hours before your set time.  Yet a professional show will have a 1 hour call time - and this is to make sure you are there and do your make up and get in costume.  Majority of the dance performances I do, we turn up already dressed in costume & makeup, and if we are not being paid then surely a 1hr call time is even a bit much?  I've had last minute requests - prepare this or that, and send it to us with maybe a day or two notice, when surely the organisers knew they'd be wanting this when we first agreed to perform, so why didn't they tell us then?

I don't know how many appointments I've made - whether it's for social or business reasons - where people have been late.  If you are later than 15mins and haven't told me you are going to be late, then why should I still wait for you?  If you have told me you are on your way, then I might wait because I will think maybe you are stuck in traffic, but after 30mins it starts to become unacceptable  I might have to be somewhere else after our appointment, and I'm not going to be late for that person just because someone didn't respect my time enough to be on time for my appointment.

I am also over people that treat you like you are a unorganised as they are.. I shouldn't have to keep confirming the appointment or performance.  I said I would be there, and I will be there.  Is there any change that I need to know about?  No?  Then don't keep calling/messaging/emailing me.  Sure, I get that there are many younger people out there who are flippant about making appointments - but I'm not one of those people and you know that because I've just told you.  So please respect my time and I'll respect yours.  In return you will have an honest, reliable, and trustworthy friend / performer / staff member etc.  I am an adult - treat me like and and I'll treat you like one too!

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